This year, the Days of Slovenian Tourism event took place from 8th to 10th October in Portorož. In the scope of the event, several significant events from the field of tourism in Slovenia were also organised, focusing mostly on products, creative approach, strategies, and technologies, creating added value in tourism 4.0 and in business overall.
One of the spokespersons was Mark Kalin, Head of Innovation Office and New Technologies at BTC, d. d., Coordinator of Think Tank group for smart cities, and Member of European Blockchain Hub Management Board.
At the event, he presented various technologies and solutions for establishing Living Lab and start-up ecosystems and explained how the constantly changing new disruptive technologies and business models affect the data and relations and the connecting of people within a company, respectively.
Future important pillars of BTC, d. d.:
– smart energy (electricity),
– V2X (testing environment),
– smart city, representing the first LIVING LAB in the world, with the BTC City area representing the first PRIVATE CITY,
– “Shopping Tinder” is the future of shopping, including trends, VR, and shopping with the technology in the comfort of your home,
– BTC City is the first Bitcoin city in the world where blockchain technology enables payments via cryptocurrencies.
Kalin emphasised that today nearly everything is virtual, therefore knowing your customers is paramount – a fact that in BTC is pursued by using the tracking of visitors. With the help of mobile applications, we can monitor the entire offer in one place, whatever our location may be. Using the technology, we are able to walk virtually through the entire area (halls, hotels, restaurants, shops, etc.) and use virtual assistants (chat). Trending currently are cryptocurrencies, with tourist offices already accepting cryptopayments, as well.
PHOTO: Mark Kalin