The Safe Cycling programme, which for 10 years has been organised by the Butan plin company and whose partner has all along been the BTC company, has encouraged young people to become part of traffic in a safe and active way also this year. Over 10,000 students from 140 Slovenian elementary schools took part in the programme; young cyclists learned about road traffic regulations through fun themed tasks.
In the scope of the given tasks, students learned about traffic rules, prepared for safe integration in traffic, gained experience with every single kilometre and at the same time competed for attractive and useful prizes. Their cycling most definitely bore fruit, since besides gaining experience by cycling, the participants put their efforts to good use, winning practical awards for their schools. The award presentation took place at the final event which after two years was live once again. In front of Kolosej in BTC City Ljubljana, about 300 students were greeted by the programme host Ula Furlan, the Dutch ambassador in Slovenia and the representatives of sponsors who presented the awards to the best participants, who enjoyed the show by the music group Bepop and cycling stunts by the Flow Ramps team.
On behalf of the BTC company, the awards were presented also by Miha Mermal, Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer at BTC.
The winning elementary schools of the Safe Cycling programme 2021–2022 are:
TENDER A, for students who are preparing for cycling exams:
1st place | OŠ Sveti Tomaž, prize: money donation 1,000€ by the Butan plin company
2nd place | OŠ Olge Meglič, prize: AMZS voucher at the Safe Driving Centre in Vransko
3rd place | OŠ Dolenja Nemška vas, prize: bicycle donated by Zavarovalnica Triglav
TENDER B, for students from 1st to 9th grade:
1st place | OŠ Heroja Janeza Hribarja Stari trg pri Ložu, prize: money donation 1,000€ by the Butan plin company
2nd place | OŠ Miroslava Vilharja Postojna, prize: bicycle maintenance services for the school and the local community donated by Zavarovalnica Triglav
3rd place | OŠ Ivanjkovci, prize: bicycle donated by Zavarovalnica Triglav
A special award – the title Sustainable Mobility Ambassador – for taking part in both tenders and implementing a cycling field day was presented to school OŠ Jurija Vege Moravče.
Congratulations to all the participants!
Safe Cycling Programme 2022