Successful Business Operation of the Company
The company’s Management Board and the Board of Directors have evaluated the operation of the company in the year 2006 and adopted their Business Plan for 2007. The company is concluding this business year very successfully; the plan will be surpassed and revenues will exceed 10 billion tolars for the first time. The company will generate revenues of 10,069,133 thousand Slovenian tolars, which is 11% more than in 2005. The estimated operating profit amounts to 3,142,672 thousand Slovenian tolars. In 2006, the company carried out a project to protect its interest rate, with which most long-term financial obligations with banks are protected, in order to ensure its position in the event of rising interest rates. In 2006, the company also redeemed the entire issue of BTC2 bonds and thus, lowered its expenditures from financing, even though the entire effect will be visible only in coming years. Net profit is estimated to be 1,508,634 thousand Slovenian tolars, higher by 17% in comparison to 2005 where the income from selling a financial investment in the amount of 746 million Slovenian tolars was deducted from the 2005 profit. Therefore, 1,508,364 thousand Slovenian tolars for the year 2006 and 1,296,406 thousand Slovenian tolars for the year 2005 are comparable figures of net profit. Due to the increased amount of work the number of employees increased by 8.4%.
In 2006, the company invested in fixed assets and financial investments in the amount of 5.1 million EUR. The larger investments were: the facilitation of the roundabout in front of the business building, the facilitation of the conference room at the Logistic Centre, the purchase of plots of ground for further development in Novo Mesto and Murska Sobota, the rearrangement of business premises in some of the halls in Ljubljana and the construction of the new carwash in Murska Sobota.
Ecology, Traffic Safety and Traffic Regulation
In 2006, the company performed certain measures in the field of improving ecology, traffic safety and traffic regulation. A train from the main railway station to the platform at Atlantis was introduced, a cycle track was arranged and a new, eleventh roundabout was built in the City. The company acquired the ISO 14001 quality certification for the system of managing the environment for the area including both the City and Water City Atlantis, which is an internationally recognized approach to managing the environment. The acquisition of this quality certificate acknowledges the company’s good system of following and measuring impacts on the wider environment, and is at the same time proof that the company manages the environment responsibly. With the purpose of contributing to the improvement of ecology, the project “My City is Green” was carried out on the basis of which the City acquired three new attractive and pleasant green surroundings, adding to improved environmental quality and the well-being of visitors. In September, an ecological market was opened within the market hall.
Investment Programme
The business plan of the company for 2007 contains a continuation of activities for changing the spatial, urban documentation, which will enable the company to make new investments in the future. Specifically, these include the construction of a hotel between the Kolosej and Bratislavska cesta(street), as well as building a new business skyscraper on the western side of Hall A. In addition to this, efforts to change the original purpose of the industrial track for public passenger transport and the introduction of a suburban passenger train (i.e. the Kamničan) from the main railway station to the Nove Jarše BTC CITY platform will also continue in cooperation with the Ljubljana Municipality and Slovenian Railways Holding. Also, the company will introduce a free bus, “the shuttle”, probably in autumn, in order to disburden the inland transport. There is a high probability that, in the next year, the company will prepare and initiate a project of a new type, “Sport Cafe”. This will be a building with 500m2 of recreational, event and catering areas, where it will be possible to play basketball live and have fun in a sporting and recreational sense. The location of the building is anticipated to be on the eastern side of Atlantis, opposite of the Arena.
BTC City Murska Sobota and Leisure Centre in Velenje
At BTC City in Murska Sobota, the company will carry out a new investment developing an area between 3500 and 5000 m2 for leisure activities, i.e. bowling (16 lanes), billiards, fitness and saunas, thus strengthening the competitive advantage of what is already the largest regional business shopping centre. The company is preparing to expand leisure activity in Velenje in the natural environment of the Velenje lake by constructing a smaller centre for saunas, fitness and bowling. With this project, the company will stand as a candidate at a call for applications for resources from European funds. With regard to the fact that the company is still preparing some projects and arranging documentation, the anticipated resources for new investments amount to 11.3 million EUR. In the event that they manage to carry out the remaining foreseen development projects (purchase of additional plots of ground in Ljubljana, outlet centre in Murska Sobota, introduction of cogeneration, etc.), the company will devote much greater funds to its investments in 2007.
Growth in the Logistics Area
Significant growth (19.4%) and an increase of market share are predicted by the company in the field of logistics at the end of the year, based on previously written contracts. Otherwise, new methods of marketing will be introduced more intensively, i.e. virtual city, loyalty card – BTC CITY club, e-store, e-catalogue, etc.
Based on good business results, the company will pay the employees, according to their employment contracts, 120% of their salary per employee at an annual level, as a reward for the work they have done.
For more information contact:
Maja Oven
Director of the Market Communication Sector
BTC d.d.
Šmartinska 152
1533 Ljubljana
Tel: 01 5851319
Fax: 01 5851376