No. 1 partner in business property management.

As the Business Unit of the BTC Company, BTC PROP provides business partners with top services of property portfolio management. As the leading provider of these services on the Slovenian market, BTC PROP manages over 600,000 m2 of surfaces, while also offering maintenance and consultancy services to our business partners. Attesting to the quality of our established property and asset management system for BTC PROP’s business partners is the ISO Asset Management Standard – ISO 55001.

  • 0m2 of business and commerce surfaces
  • 0buildings
  • 0partner companies

Main Advantages

Optimising business operations. BTC PROP is a response to the need for business rationalization, efficient management of resources, sustainable development, use of information and communication technologies and other development trends.


Diverse knowledge and experience

Our team includes established experts with knowledge of different expert fields, which allows us to provide our clients with a wide array of specialised services.

Managed real estates

Picture of Crystal Palace
Crystal PalaceAmeriška ulica 8,
  • 46.784 m2
Picture of Stekleni Dvor South
Stekleni DvorDunajska cesta 117 and 119,
  • 33.821 m2
Picture of center Zalog
Spar ZalogAgrokombinatska 2,
  • 5.803 m2
Picture of Feniks buildings from air
FeniksLetališka cesta 29a, 29b, 29c,
  • 85.347 m2
Picture of Kare A buildings
Kare AKoroška cesta 17, 19, 21,
  • 50.500 m2
Picture of Rezidenca
RezidencaŠmartinska 53,
  • 12.521 m2
Picture of building Y
YpsilonDimičeva 16,
  • 10.570 m2


Exquisite offer for all stakeholders Our comprehensive real estate management services are intended for owners of commercial buildings and investors. At our work, we use modern engineering with advanced IT solutions that improve the efficiency of portfolio management.

For property owners

For property owners, we take over the property portfolio management which includes regular property maintenance.

For investors

In the planning phase of a property project, we contribute to more efficient property management prior to, during and after the construction by using our expertise and experience.

Key management pillars

Our pillars for your success. Our offer is divided into three key pillars. These represent an optimal network of services in the field of real estate management, which enables us to face all challenges, faced by investors or facility owners.


Asset management

  • Financial services; preparing a monthly expenses account, its division and recovery of expense amounts
  • Monitoring of service providers
  • Reporting
  • Preparing the budget for operational (OPEX) and investment (CAPEX) expenses
  • Management of lease contracts and administrative services
  • Ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations
  • Issuance of leases for and on behalf of the owner
  • Marketing of unleased property

The right service for you

Your property.
Our knowledge.
Superior services, many years of experience and satisfied partners are what made BTC PROP one of the key providers in the commercial real estate management segment.

Why choose BTC PROP?
  • We are a company specialising in business property management.
  • The biggest property funds in Slovenia have entrusted us with their properties.
  • We provide top management services.
  • We conduct business with our partners transparently and have zero tolerance for corruptive practices.
  • We offer a wide selection of highly professional service providers.
  • We have long-standing investment experience (project preparation for energy renovation, cooperation in setting up solar plants, etc.).
  • Our own-property management tradition spans over 65 years, while this service has been offered to our business partners since 2013.

Users about us

We entrusted our property management to a group of experts who with their expertise, technical knowledge and transparency ensure the smooth operating of our buildings. They are a reliable partner, with a team which is available in every situation.

Generali Investments,družba za upravljanje, d. o. o.

We’ve immediately noticed positive strides forward on our building after we entrusted BTC PROP with its management. They implemented positive changes with their expertise and reliability. Their proactiveness and the quality of service in every situation has strengthened our trust in them even more.

Kompas shop

Integrated management with expert and committed staff who diligently carry out all the services for the owner as well as the lessees of our business buildings.

Trigal,upravljanje naložb in svetovalne storitve, d. o. o.

With their expert services and consultancy, they help us preserve the value of our buildings and by implementing sustainable solutions they help us reduce negative impact on the environment. Their expert solutions ensure professional management and maintenance of properties.

Heliks Prop, d. o. o.

They take extra care in their management and maintenance of properties. With their reliable professional services, they ensure our uninterrupted business operations which reflects in our lessees' satisfaction.



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Get in touch with us. In case you still have questions, please contact us for additional information.