On 7th June, the awareness-raising project Mission: Green Steps was concluded with an award-giving ceremony in SiTi Teater. For six years already, the project has been co-designed by the Eco-school Programme (Program Ekošola) and the BTC Company; its goal is to encourage green transportation and more sustainable transportation habits among Slovenian kids, pupils and students. Over the period of six years, as much as 13,000 kids from across Slovenia were directly included in the project. Following their studies, research and awareness-raising activities, they prepared surveys, exhibitions, art- and graphic works, literary and dramatic works, sculptures, photo reports and video posts. The exhibition of this year’s project works is on display on the underground floor of Shopping Arena A in BTC City Ljubljana until the end of June 2022.
1,600 kids, pupils and students from 52 Slovenian kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, as well as college students took part in this year’s project, discussing the possibilities for the most environment-friendly transportation vehicle. Affecting the nature of their work was the eruption of the COVID-19 pandemic in the past two years, which has shown how our everyday and vacation transportation habits affect carbon footprint in transportation. Although the project primarily focuses on sustainable modes of transportation and the deliberation about how every individual can improve their own transportation habits, it also encourages the deliberation about broader questions, such as traffic safety and the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle.
The same as every previous year, the project also includes a prize-winning tender with which partners reward the most creative artworks, innovative technical and graphical creativity and research work on sustainable mobility.
Mission: Green Steps 2020/2021 winners per different categories
- Vrtec Anice Černejeve Celje
- Vrtec Hansa Christiana Andersena
- Vrtec Manka Golarja Gornja Radgona
Primary school grades 1–3:
- OŠ Ivana Cankarja Vrhnika
- OŠ Dob, PŠ Krtina
- OŠ Oskarja Kovačiča Ljubljana
- OŠ Horjul
Primary school grades 4–6:
- OŠ Notranjski odred Cerknica
- OŠ Trebnje, PŠ Dolenja Nemška vas
- OŠ Antona Ingoliča Sp. Polskava, PŠ Zg. Polskava
Primary school grades 7–9:
- OŠ Gornja Radgona
- OŠ Ivana Roba Šempeter pri Gorici
- JVIZ OŠ Dobrepolje
Secondary school:
- Srednja vzgojiteljska šola, gimnazija in umetniška gimnazija Ljubljana
- Gimnazija Jožeta Plečnika Ljubljana
- Gimnazija in srednja šola Kočevje
Special category:
- OŠ Glazija
- OŠ IV Murska Sobota
- CUEV Strunjan
Congratulations to all the winners!
The works by young artists are on display until the end of June on the underground floor of Shopping Arena A in BTC City Ljubljana.
For several years, the BTC Company has focused its business operations on sustainable growth and social responsibility. Besides the Mission: Green Steps project, we also take part in many other projects with which we and our partners create numerous opportunities for a better tomorrow and a brighter future for the current and all generations yet to come.
The Eco-school Programme is the largest international network of kids, young people, educators and teachers in the world, who incorporate environmental education and principles of sustainable development in their everyday work and learning. It includes over 20 million kids, a million educators and teachers, and more than 52,000 institutions from 72 countries across the world. There are over 100,000 kids, pupils, students and 8,500 educators and teachers, mentors and project heads participating in the Eco-school programme in Slovenia.
Project Mission: Green Steps