“Developing a common sustainable vision BTC City 2050” was the topic of the hackathon that took place on Thursday and Friday, 22 and 23 February 2024, at the Crystal Palace in BTC City Ljubljana. The event was organised as part of the European DESIRE project, in which BTC and CER Partnership for a Sustainable Economy participate as Slovenian partners.
During the hackathon, 30 young people were divided in 6 groups as they were trying to find solutions to create a comprehensive vision of BTC City Ljubljana’s built and open space that would transcend mere spatial arrangements and would include innovative services based on sustainable principles. The two-day event was also attended by local and foreign mentors who helped the participants develop their breakthrough ideas. At the end of the event, the teams presented their interesting solutions to an expert jury, which awarded the three best ideas.
As part of project DESIRE – Designing the Irresistible Circular Society, BTC City Ljubljana is a test urban environment with various contents, which has been intensively developed both in terms of space and content over the last 70 years. The aim of the project is to produce ideas for the sustainable development of the area, as well as a vision, a strategy and different development scenarios that could serve as a model for other similar areas. DESIRE is one of the projects of the European Commission’s New European Bauhaus initiative, in which stakeholders develop new ways for urban development while seeking solutions to the major global challenges impacting societies and cities.
“At BTC, our many sustainability efforts are creating an environmentally and people-friendly BTC City Ljubljana, and we believe that we can be more successful in our green efforts if we join forces. We are therefore delighted that we are developing a sustainable vision for our city centre also as partners in the DESIRE project, where BTC City Ljubljana is a test urban environment, and that through the project’s hackathon, young people were engaged, sharing their fresh perspectives on sustainable development. We were impressed by the inspiring ideas contributed by the teams, and we congratulate all the participants for their innovation and creativity. In the year of BTC’s 70th anniversary, we are proud that we have embarked on our sustainable transformation journey even more resolutely, at a faster pace and in close cooperation with various stakeholders through European and other projects,” emphasised Chief Executive Officer at BTC, Damjan Kralj, M.Sc.