Heating energy in the form of hot water, which shall now be employed by Atlantis Water Park, is produced by Julon as part of the ECONYL® process. This energy is partly re-used by Julon in its production processes, while the rest has up until now presented a surplus of energy that had yet to be exploited.
Minimising environmental degradation in the capital of Slovenia
Since the new energy agreement with Julon enables Atlantis Water Park to buy less heating energy from the company Termoelektrarna Toplarna Ljubljana (Ljubljana’s thermal power plant), the overall production of heating energy in the city of Ljubljana can in fact be lowered. The new agreement promises to lower carbon dioxide emissions by more than 2,000,000 kg per year, which means cleaner air in the city. To illustrate, this is as much as it is produced by 1,100 cars making 12,700 km per year.
“In the BTC Company, we are always looking for new ways to make business more efficient, to better satisfy the expectations of our stakeholders, and to leave a green footprint in the environment. The new agreement, according to which Atlantis Water Park will be provided with heating energy by Julon, meets all three criteria. This partnership testifies to BTC’s commitment to sustainable growth, it fosters good relations among partners, and underscores the important role the company plays in raising the quality of life in the capital of Slovenia,” said Jože Mermal, President of the BTC Management Board.
Edi Kraus, CEO of Julon, further elucidated the importance of finding synergy in sustainable development: “Sustainable development also means being able to exploit the available resources to the best of our ability, with as fewer demands on the environment as possible. Doing so, we do not act as isolated units, but rather in co-dependence with other actors in the field, with whom we seek synergy together. We are pleased that we have managed to find a new use for the unexploited potential in the form of heating energy and have helped alleviate general environmental concerns in cooperation with the BTC Company. We would be very happy to see this project encourage other companies to similar thought and practice.
Zoran Janković, mayor of the City Municipality of Ljubljana, salutes the new agreement: “Next year, Ljubljana will be the proud bearer of the title European Green Capital, which testifies to our endeavours aimed at raising the quality of life in the city and our unwavering devotion to sustainable development. Upon awarding us this prestigious title, the European Commission stressed the fact that we are the only city to implement the most changes in the shortest amount of time, based on a vision articulated as early as 2007. We all did our part in preserving the green image of the city, all who live and create here. Companies are no exception, so I am particularly happy about the joint effort leading towards a cleaner capital made by Atlantis Water Park and Julon.”
Thorough commitment of the BTC Company to sustainable development
Both Atlantis Water Park and Julon have acquired the ISO 14001 certificate for environmental management. As Ljubljana’s main entertainment and leisure centre, Atlantis Water Park constantly enhances its wide selection of services and continues to supplement them with a neat environment and technological improvements benefiting both the environment and the society.
Using surplus heat constitutes a new contribution made by the BTC Company in the context of its Mission: Green project, which encompasses four key areas: environmental protection, green energy, energy efficiency, and social responsibility. In cooperation with its partners, the BTC Company successfully implements a number of sustainable projects on a regular basis, including waste collection and sorting, acquiring secondary resources, sustainable water resource management, and promoting green transport and safety in the area of BTC City Ljubljana.
Aquafil Group, the global leader in sustainable development and circular economy
Julon, a Ljubljana-based company, is the biggest factory of the international Aquafil Group, the leading European and second-largest global producer of polyamide yarn for textile floorings. With the Eco Pledge® initiative, the Aquafil Group has since 2007 been committed to sustainable development, prioritising investments and projects that have a positive impact on the environment. It also releases an annual Report on sustainable development.
One of its most important projects since 2011 has been the ECONYL® Regeneration System production process implemented by Julon. It constitutes a unique system of global circular economy, whereby waste is used to produce secondary resources for polyamide yarn, which is of the same quality as products acquired from crude oil. The considerable environmental advantages of ECONYL® products are furthermore officially proved by Environmental Product Declarations.
The fruitful cooperation between Atlantis Water Park and Julon on this project attests that a modern European capital can provide its inhabitants with a sustainable standard of living, which should combine employment and business opportunities with increasing demands for modern services that foster healthy leisure activities. With this project partnership, the BTC Company and Julon aim to inspire the sustainable development of all stakeholders, because only a joint effort of everyone involved can lead to a better tomorrow.
Additional information
BTC d.d.: Maja Oven, Director of the Market Communications and Public Relations Sector
- T: +386 (0)1 585 13 15
- E: maja.oven@btc.si
Julon d.o.o.: Lucija Aleksić, Sustainability compliance manager
- T: +386 (0)1 584 22 07
- E: lucija.aleksic@aquafil.com