Micro-mobility, the common denominator designating different means of passenger and goods transport which run on electricity, is a growing phenomenon in many European cities. Yesterday, it was also the focal point in BTC City Ljubljana’s Crystal Palace, which hosted the event “Micro-Mobility: The Next Big Thing?” The event, which was organised by the European Commission, included a conference on micro-mobility and an exhibition of the different means of transportation and services involved in the field.
At the conference “Micro-Mobility: The Next Big Thing?” professionals and business guests discussed the great opportunities and challenges posed by micro-mobility for people in urban areas and for transportation services. After the introductory address by the European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc, participants sought answers to questions exploring the role of investors and regulatory authorities in micro-mobility, and how micro-mobility can become the next business opportunity. By studying best practices and prior experiences in workshops, they discussed the opportunities and ways of promoting micro-mobility and investigated how micro-mobility can become the right solution for urban mobility.
Upon the event, European Commissioner Violeta Bulc stressed: “Micro-mobility – e-scooters, bikes, onewheels and other devices – is a next big topic in the area of multimodal integrated mobility solutions. When properly addressed, it can play a significant role in delivering on Vision Zero – zero pollution and emissions, zero fatalities and serious injuries, zero congestion – at EU, national and local level. Our conference in Ljubljana is dedicated to this topic. It brings together different stakeholders to identify the pressing issues and to propose possible ways forward to serve as input to the new Commission”.
As part of the event, an exhibition took place in the parking lot in front of the Crystal Palace, which showcased different forms of micro-mobility. Put on display were electric scooters, electric bicycles, drones, and services such as safe parking systems for electric bikes and scooters. One of the exhibitors was also the company AV Living Lab, which presented their “City As A Lab” service. With it, the company enables their business partners the testing of advanced business solutions, including micro-mobility solutions, in the real-life environment of BTC City Ljubljana.
Jože Mermal, Chairman of the BTC Board of Directors, said: “Lately, we have been witnessing scores of new developments in the field of mobility. But in order to develop comprehensive and personalised mobility solutions, one needs a good testing environment. We are proud that through AV Living Lab, BTC City Ljubljana, with its 21 million annual visits, an outdoor area of 475,000 m2 and over 11 km of roads, has become the cradle of advanced solutions in the field of mobility. At the same time, we are happy to host such events, which help develop the field and bring micro-mobility services and solutions closer to the people.”
BTC undertakes many projects aimed at sustainable mobility, which includes means of transport pertaining to micro-mobility. The company wants to help reduce the negative effects of traffic on the environment by promoting the development of the field and introducing innovative means of mobility. In addition to its live testing environment for the development of autonomous vehicles and other solutions, BTC City Ljubljana also offers electric vehicle charging stations, an electric car sharing system, and an electric bus, which visitors can use for moving about the shopping centre.
Additional information
Maja Oven, Director of Market Communication and Public Relations Sector
- E: maja.oven@btc.si
- T: +386(0)1/585 13 15
Micro-Mobility Day in BTC City Ljubljana
PHOTO: European Commission 2019